Thursday, February 21, 2008

Starting Up A New Diary

Today is the day that I'll start to produce my own diary. Frankly said, I have never wrote a diary for myself before. So, I assume this blog as my e-diary. Since I had a bad-bad-bad day keep ruining my days, I need a place to release all the burden I've had.

I cannot rely on my family to talk about all my problems as I don't want them to worry because of me. I also cannot rely 100% on my friends to tell about all the saddest moments that I've been face, because I don't want them to feel uncomfortable when they see me instead, they start to think, "naim nk jumpak aku, nk citer masalah dia la tu". I don't want my friends to keep away from me, I want them to have enjoy moments with me, not as a place to put my burden or problems. For me, both friends and family are vital component in my life. They act as my backbone to keep me stand. Without them, I don't think that I can face these challenging life. Thanks to Allah for giving me these peoples to stand beside me, whatever happens.

For that reason, which are trying not too burden my family and friends, I published my e-diary to tell about all my journey in life. By hoping that someone who crossed by these blog, can give me an advise or comment on what to do for me to keep stand. Maybe there will be a motivator, or consultant step into this blog, can also consult me, who knows, hahah.

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